Tutorial: Magic Yarn Ball
I have a gigantic mountain of yarn tidbits from previous projects that I can’t stand to see wasted. It’s been sitting and growing amongst my stash and I have been hoping for a way to use it up. Problem is, I hate weaving in ends...like really, really hate it. I avoid projects with large numbers of yarn ends to weave in, and had tried the “magic knot” but was underwhelmed by the bumps it left in my work. It seemed these odd bits of memory infused yarn from previous projects were destined for a lonely life in their color coded ziploc bags (at least I am an organized hoarder). Then, I learned the Russian Join and made my first “magic yarn ball”. Suddenly I am excited by all my leftovers, knowing I don’t have to weave in ends or contend with knots. The hat I made from my first magic ball I thought I’d share a little tutorial if you’d like to make your own! Here are the supplies you’ll need: a tapestry needle with a pointy end, scissors and ya...